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국립산림치유원_호주 채널9 Explorer TV

2018-12-13 18:29:35.0 조회 : 1040



 O 촬영 일자 : ’18. 05. 19.()

 O 촬영 내용 : 국립산림치유원 시설 및 산림치유프로그램 등

 O 매 체 명: 호주 채널9

  - 호주 No.2 공중파(선호도 2) / 주요 위성 채널 : GEM, Go!, eXtra

  - 호주 민영방송사로서 뉴스, 시사, 스포츠, 엔터테인먼트 등 전지역 송출, 종합채널 보유

 O프로그램: Explorer TV(채널 9의 대표 여행전문프로그램)

 O 방송테마: 한국의 웰니스 및 럭셔리 추천 관광지 등 소개(국립산림치유원은 한국의 웰니스 관광지로 소개)


이 영상은 호주 채널 9이라는 호주의 공중파 방송 중 선호도 2위로 꼽힌 유명방송사의 대표 여행전문 프로그램인 Explorer TV의 2018년 5월 19일 방송입니다. 한국의 웰니스 및 럭셔리 추천 관광지 등 소개(국립산림치유원은 한국의 웰니스 관광지로 소개) 하는 내용으로 국립산림치유원 시설 및 산림치유프로그램 등을 알리기 위한 목적으로 제작되었습니다.


you probably know that I really love my plants so when I discovered that Korea has a national forest healing center I was intrigued to find out more it's been known for a long time that just being in a first leaves people feeling better and the more scientific investigation to the concept the more we learn why the National Forest Healing Center is located a couple of hours out of Seoul in a place called yet Chon area and it runs forest therapy sessions that run a day two days and sometimes a long stay program as well now the National healing center only opened just recently in 2016 the forests around the outside cover some two thousand eight hundred and eighty nine hectares and you can go hiking or you could take one of the new mountain biking trails which have become incredibly popular before taking to the forest for an invigorating walk the Healing Center encourages visitors to take a seven step health assessment identifying stress and general health levels the assessment results form the basis for a personalized therapy program using state-of-the-art technologies like this one might need to spend a little longer to really appreciate the health benefits it's not just the aqua therapy there's meditation massage and aromatherapy reawakening your body senses how can you not feel relaxed it's easy to see why people are flocking to experience the destress detox environment the users and mother nature's natural ingredients to ground us the first is actually good for you the trees in the forest release chemicals into the atmosphere anions and fight on sides now these are really interesting is over 5000 of them being documented and they all have similar health benefits they basically help you physically get stronger and recover from disease and if you have a disease that often help the onset or the further development of its stop which is really interesting they have been used in ancient Korean Chinese and Russian medicines that thousands of years anions in the air or a bit like the vitamins in our food so I suppose you could call them airborne vitamins just breathe them in and the harder we hike the more benefit we're getting the national forest healing center is the perfect place to come to recover to rejuvenate yourself and to recharge your energy levels all using Mother Nature it's all about distressing and feeling happier and if you think that this is going to cost you a lot well for a hundred and fifty bucks you get accommodation for two people tree around meals for both of you and a six hour therapy session I don't know whether it gets any better than that and I don't think being well has ever been better value
'20.3.1일부터 유튜브는 인터넷익스플로러를 지원하지 않습니다. 유튜브 동영상을 시청하시려면 브라우저를 업데이트(크롬, 엣지, 파이어폭스, 오페라 등) 하시기 바랍니다.
※ 한국산림복지진흥원은 크롬브라우저에서 최적화되어있습니다. Chrome 다운로드

주소 : 대전광역시 서구 둔산북로 121, 2층 209호(둔산동) | 대표전화 : 042-719-4000 | 팩스 : 042-719-4049 | 이메일 : info@fowi.or.kr

Copyright © 2016 Korea Forest Welfare Institute. All right reserved.

주소 : 대전광역시 서구 둔산북로 121, 2층 209호(둔산동)
대표전화 : 042-719-4000
팩스 : 042-719-4049
이메일 : info@fowi.or.kr

Copyright © 2016 Korea Forest Welfare Institute.
All right reserved.